to Available to the international community since 1995, during the internet's infancy. The goal of this website is to inspire pride in the Assyrian community living in the diaspora. With pride comes the respect of our own nation and our historical language. The passion for preservation soon follows.
- Learn to speak using transliterated/translated songs.
Download songs and all the lyrics.- Learn to read and write using the easiest method possible.
Watch "Learn to Read & Write Assyrian/Aramaic in 5 minutes".- Use the Animals Viewmaster App to build your vocabulary.
Windows (download) &
Mac (Drag .SWF Flash file to a web browser).- Use the Virtual Blocks to play & learn.
Also visit for books on history & language.
See YouTube & Facebook channels for education videos.
Animals Viewmaster App.
Written in Flash, you will need a browser that opens .SWF files (like Puffin) or, if available, add extension to your current browser.
Link for Flash (.swf). Link for PC (.exe).Virtual Blocks App (all browsers)
Animals in the Assyrian Language Virtual Book.
Click for free version or buy at Lulu
(Proceeds go to Rinyo & Bet Kanu)
Offline version for PC (*.exe)Christian Words in the Assyrian Language Virtual Book.
Click for free version or buy at Lulu
(Proceeds go to Rinyo & Bet Kanu)
Offline version for PC (*.exe)
The Assyrian Alphabet Blocks are here.
Video on learning the basics of reading/writing. The root of the video is five minutes and the rest is setup and practice.