Letters of Assyria |
- 30 blocks. 22 letters (4 duplicates), 1 combined letter
(Taw-Alap), and 3 blocks that cover the 7 vowels.
- Large 40mm (1.57") full colored blocks.
- 1 box with cover. The back of the cover has a chart so
know where the letters go when storing.
- 92 unique pictures with words in Assyrian and their
transliteration in Latin letters.
- Lead free paint and child-safe learning toy.

Blocks are back in stock. To order, e-mail me at RobertOshana@outlook.com
The price is $55 which includes $5 that is split between Rinyo & Bet Kanu.
Shipping is about $14. Two can fit in one box. If you are in Chicago, let me know.
Check out the Facebook page for version 2.0 of the blocks. New pictures & words
Pronounciation Guide
Click to launch and learn the pronounciation and examples of all the words.
Virtual Blocks
Click to launch on your PC/Mac/iPad/Tablet (Android/Win).
Touch and mouse friendly app. Play and practice on the go.
If you wish to be included or removed from this slideshow, please e-mail me.
Learning Games
Read the Letter.
- Show the letter. Then flip the block around to show the
name of the letter.
Read the Word.
- Person #1 - Cover the picture and the English
transliteration with your fingers.
- Person #2 - Read the Assyrian word
- Person #1 - Uncover picture and transliteration to see if
Define Picture.
- Person #1 - Cover Assyrian word and English transliteration.
- Person #2 - Look at picture and say what it is in Assyrian.
- Person #1 - Uncover words to see if correct.
Alphabet Order Competition.
- Person #1 - Mix up the blocks with letters facing upwards.
- Use a timer from a clock, tablet, or phone and start timer.
- Person #2 - Arrange order of letters left to right.
- Switch people and see who does it faster.
- If you have two sets of blocks, each person races to put
blocks in alphabetic order first. You don’t need a timer.
Spelling a Word.
- Person #1 - Looks up a word in the Assyrian dictionary, on
the Animals Viewmaster, or chooses a word from the blocks.
- Person #1 - says the word in Assyrian.
- Person #2 - places the blocks and spells out the word.
Reading a Word.
- Person #1 - places blocks and spells out a word.
- Person #2 - reads the word.
Fill in the Letter.
- Person #1 - spells out the word but takes out one letter.
- Person #2 - tries to read the word and fills in the correct
Fill in the Vowels.
- Person #1 - spells out the word but takes out the vowels.
- Person #2 - fills in the vowels to complete the word.
Unscramble the Letters.
- Person #1 - Gives the correct letters and vowels to Person
- Person #2 - Figures out the word and reorders the blocks.
Grab the letter competition.
- Take out the vowels, duplicate letters, and Taw-Alap.
- Mix up the letters face-up.
- Two children are on opposite sides of the table with one hand behind their back and one hand on the table.
- The parent takes the chart on back of the box top and points to a letter and shows it to the children and calls the letter.
- The child who grabs the right letter first puts the letters on their side of the table.
- The child with the most letters wins.
Spell the Word Competition. (if you have two
sets of blocks)
- Person #1 - Looks up a word in the Assyrian dictionary, on
the Animals Viewmaster, or chooses a word from the blocks.
- Person #1 - Calls out the word
- Person #1 and #2 - Spells out the word.
- Whoever spells it correctly first wins.
Read the Word Competition.
- Person #1 - Cover the picture and the English
transliteration with your fingers.
- Other persons read the word.
- Whoever correctly reads the word first wins.
Define the Picture Competition.
- Person #1 - Cover Assyrian word and English translteration.
- Person #2 and #3 (or more people) - Look at picture and say
what it is in Assyrian.
- Whoever says the correct word wins.
Unscramble the Letters Competition.
(if you have two sets of blocks)
- Person #1 - Gives the correct letters and vowels to person
#2 and the same letters and vowels from the second set to person #3.
- Whoever figures out the word and reorders the blocks first