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The program is aimed to encourage our youtмЅe3Р deќy8д(j(j,,,,,Ј-Z,NЈ-Ј-Ј-Ј-И-Ј-g7QЮ-Ю-Ю-Ю-Ю-Ю-Ю-Ю-0000/А0Рp1Р02И7T 8mN2,Ю-Ю-Ю-Ю-Ю-N2Ю-,,Ю-Ю-Ю-Ю-Ю-Ю-,Ю-,Ю-0,.,,,,,,Ю-0Ю-БЮ-ASSYRIAN YOUTH EXCELLENCE PAGEANT A Fruitfull Approach Assyrian American Civic Club of Turlock, the hosting affiliate for the 63rd National Convention is organizing the second Assyrian Youth Excellence Pageant . The program is aimed to encourage our youth to develop in the areas of education, talent, knowledge of Assyrian language and history and also be individuals with good character. Through the process of the program each Assyrian organization in the USA and affiliated to the Assyrian American National Federation (AANF) and other organization outside the USA will select and introduce nominees to the Natinal Convention. Then based on a two stage contest held during the Natonal convention and as outlined below, the Assyrian Young Man and Woman of the Year and two runner ups will be slected and presente with awards and prizes. Phase 1 - An introduction and orientation session, joined by all candidates. In this meeting a written test on Assyrian history and literature, will also be conducted. This phase is held on Friday August 30, 1996, in the evening and is attended by the judging panel. Phase 2 - An introduction and presentation by the selected candidate in the first phase of their talent (if needed) and response to one random question. This phase of the contest will be held as a luncheon event on Sunday, September 1, 1996 and will be attended by convention guests. The criteria and requirements to particiapte in the contest are as follow: A. Criteria: 1. Have at least one parent of Assyrian decent. 2. Must be between ages of 18 to 24, or be a high school graduate. 3. Be at good standing in their respective educational field, with GPA of 3.0 or above. 4. Involvement or interest in any of the areas of : art, literature, science and sport. 5. Ability to speak basic Assyrian language. Reading and writing abilities will be a plus. 6. Basic and general knowledge about Assyrian history, literature, art and the figures, and also today’s standing of Assyrians. 7. Be a member of good standing in an Assyrian organization such as association, church or youth group. This may be directly or through parents. B. Contests of the Application package: 1. Completed and signed Application Form 2. Copy of transcripts, indicating the most recent GPA score. 3. Supplementary documents such as art works, copies of awards and papers. 4. Copy of membership in youth activities in Assyrian organization or Church. 5. Two or more character references from prominent members of the community such as : school or college teachers, church ministers or association president. 6. A personal biography emphasizing achievements. 7. Two most recent passport size pictures. C. Other requirements: 1. Participation will only be through the Assyrian organization mentioned above. 2. The application package should be received by the association for review and final selection by July 31, 1996 (or later date if allowed by assocaition). 3. The application package of the association nominees should be mailed to the National Convention Committee at: 4412 Hampshire Place, San Jose, Ca. 95136, by August 15, 1996. 4. The applicant must be at the Convention site in Turlock/Modesto, California by 5 PM on Friday, August 30, 1996. the Nation"78БвЦЧе Њ О е ЂSЁЂЈЬэўџFGK{‘šПРЧвдуцћ§%)>@Q…•ПРУжр_БЎво№ћEŒ­Жј§њћќ "+6AKT`ktuљђэычыфсысысыфљэљлэљэљдэљдљдљдэљдљдљдэљдљлэљдљдэљдљдљдљдљдљдљдљдљдљдывђыыыыыыыыыыђђu U]^`ўџc ]^`ўџc^cUcUVcc ]`ўџc UV]`ўџc U]`ўџcS"78‰ŠLNZ\z{ЦЧеж O Њ  c щ €  Љ Њ з  g И Z  Н О е ж )ЩuпXYјР!јР!№Р!юџР!rюР!юР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!юР!юР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!,0§,0§*YNO_”ЂЃЪї)*SЂЃўџFGЌР0@ЂР`aЇЈeу-Џќ§GДќ§ФFњўР!ўР!ћР!ћР!ћР!ўР!ўР!ћћР!ћР!ћР!ћР!єР!ьР!ьР! фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР! фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!,0§,H,H)њc­`a­ЎњќA)B)g)m)Г)јР!јР!јР!јР!јР!јР!јР!јР!јР!ѕѓР!ѓР!ѓР!ѓР!ѓР!,0§K@ёџNormala "A@ђџЁ"Default Paragraph Font in which all the candidates will participateby the candidates selected in the first phase, a presentation applicablein of the Assyrian status around the world , today.norganizationsassocaitionTThe cearnestly and following memebers of the committee: : : Ms. Virginia Jacob: (209)668-3555 Mrs. Evelyn Odisho: (209)667-2087 ŸЋsuccessfullyprosperedassociationmembers The when nominees #2, Capital u{|ƒ…Š“žћќ§j(—(Ф(Ц(Ш(Ь(е(п(т(ъ(ы())")-).)3)=)@)B)g)h)k)l)m)Б)В)Г)К)Ц)Я)к)с)т)ц)ъ)ы)ѓ)јјјііііііііієіііііііііііёііііііііііііііієііііыјііі U]`ўџc^cuc UV]`ўџc2дГ)џџџџ!џџ џџ џџ!џџВ |гдN&"=> дєdэ Ф  ѕі^_Іэ345gz+{ь†дР!Р!џР!ЈР!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р! 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The program is aimed to encourage our youth to develop in the areas of education, talent, knowledge of Assyrian language and history and also be individuals with good character. Through the process of the program each Assyrian organization in the USA and affiliated to the Assyrian American National Federation (AANF) and other organization outside the USA will select and introduce nominees to the Natinal Convention. Then based on a two stage contest held during the Natonal convention and as outlined below, the Assyrian Young Man and Woman of the Year and two runner ups will be slected and presente with awards and prizes. Phase 1 - An introduction and orientation session, joined by all candidates. In this meeting a written test on Assyrian history and literature, will also be conducted. This phase is held on Friday August 30, 1996, in the evening and is attended by the judging panel. Phase 2 - An introduction and presentation by the selected candidate in the first phase of their talent (if needed) and response to one random question. This phase of the contest will be held as a luncheon event on Sunday, September 1, 1996 and will be attended by convention guests. The criteria and requirements to particiapte in the contest are as follow: A. Criteria: 1. Have at least one parent of Assyrian decent. 2. Must be between ages of 18 to 24, or be a high school graduate. 3. Be at good standing in their respective educational field, with GPA of 3.0 or above. 4. Involvement or interest in any of the areas of : art, literature, science and sport. 5. Ability to speak basic Assyrian language. Reading and writing abilities will be a plus. 6. Basic and general knowledge about Assyrian history, literature, art and the figures, and also today’s standing of Assyrians. 7. Be a member of good standing in an Assyrian organization such as association, church or youth group. This may be directly or through parents. B. Contests of the Application package: 1. Completed and signed Application Form 2. Copy of transcripts, indicating the most recent GPA score. 3. Supplementary documents such as art works, copies of awards and papers. 4. Copy of membership in youth activities in Assyrian organization or Church. 5. Two or more character references from prominent members of the community such as : school or college teachers, church ministers or association president. 6. A personal biography emphasizing achievements. 7. Two most recent passport size pictures. C. Other requirements: 1. Participation will only be through the Assyrian organization mentioned above. 2. The application package should be received by the association for review and final selection by July 31, 1996 (or later date if allowed by assocaition). 3. The application package of the association nominees should be mailed to the National Convention Committee at: 4412 Hampshire Place, San Jose, Ca. 95136, by August 15, 1996. 4. The applicant must be at the Convention site in Turlock/Modesto, California by 5 PM on Friday, August 30, 1996. the Nation"78БвЦЧе Њ О е ЂSЁЂЈЬэўџFGK{‘šПРЧвдуцћ§%)>@Q…•ПРУжр_БЎво№ћEŒ­Жј§њћќ "+6AKT`ktuљђэычыфсысысыфљэљлэљэљдэљдљдљдэљдљдљдэљдљлэљдљдэљдљдљдљдљдљдљдљдљдљдывђыыыыыыыыыыђђu U]^`ўџc ]^`ўџc^cUcUVcc ]`ўџc UV]`ўџc U]`ўџcS"78‰ŠLNZ\z{ЦЧеж O Њ  c щ €  Љ Њ з  g И Z  Н О е ж )ЩuпXYјР!јР!№Р!юџР!rюР!юР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!юР!юР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!ыР!,0§,0§*YNO_”ЂЃЪї)*SЂЃўџFGЌР0@ЂР`aЇЈeу-Џќ§GДќ§ФFњўР!ўР!ћР!ћР!ћР!ўР!ўР!ћћР!ћР!ћР!ћР!єР!ьР!ьР! фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР! фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!фР!,0§,H,H)al Convention Committee will provide the candidates with details on time, location and arrangement of the meetings. 5. Contestant will be responsible for all his/her expenses, to participate in the Excellence Pageant. 6. The Assyrian Youth Excellence Pageant Convention Committee reserves the right to approve or deny any application. If you feel eligible to participate, we invite you to contact your association or complete the Application Package and mail (or submit) it for their evaluation. You may also make copies of this package and provide it to those that we have not been able to reach. A complete package contaning references and sample questions is avaialble at the assocaitions. For any questions you may call the undersignrd at (408)267-9686, Dr. Peter D. Kiryakos at (408)224-4077 or Dr. Arian Ishaya at (408)227-4531. Henry Hormozian Assyrian Youth Excellence Pageant Committee Chairman July 12, 1996 ASSYRIAN AMERICAN NATIONAL FEDERATION 63RD NATIONAL CONVENTION-TURLOCK, CALIFORNIA Hosted by Assyrian American Civic Club of Turlock SECOND ASSYRIAN YOUTH EXCELLENCE PAGEANT (Application Form) Name ____________________________________ (Please print) Address ______________________________________________________________ City _____ State Zip Code ________________ Phone ( ) - Birth Date Age _____ Highest Education Graduation Date ___________ GPA Honor(s) _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Talent(s) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Assyrian Language Skills: Reading Writing ________ AreA^š|ИжЙзЙж € €‚ "+,267<Ž’— ЊЋлчшё щё08ЃЄЅЇЈЋАЙ2v;=?CL]abl:EіљOWX" # " / < G V a ‘ ’ Х Э (ORx~?HP\]_‚Œ“ІЖЗХШЩноьэ12345zгдktuт){|6ƒ…Š“žК)йЦ)тˆ nДћќ&"3j(™о—(Ф(Ц(Ш(Ь(Дц)Че(Ю+Їп([ d ъ)e т(ъ(ы(ш )Š )“ Я)Ќ 6Ц-)їы)4.)|3)=)ЊйрA|KЉTН@)ПB)к)T)+g)>h)k)l)m)Б)MВ)NOЂс)79ћQTimes New Roman Symbol &Arial CG TimesTimes New Roman"ˆаhЮUfЄjЦmjЦ-ƒ$m%ASSYRIAN AMERICAN NATIONAL FEDERATIONComputer #2, Capital AssetComputer #2, Capital Assetk)l)m)Б)MВ)NOЂс)79ћQTimes New Roman Symbol &Arial CG TimesTimes New Roman"ˆаhЮUfLjЦаUfƒ$m%ASSYRIAN AMERICAN NATIONAL FEDERATIONComputer #2, Capital AssetComputer #2, Capital Asseњc­`a­ЎњќA)B)g)m)Г)јР!јР!јР!јР!јР!јР!јР!јР!јР!ѕѓР!ѓР!ѓР!ѓР!ѓР!,0§K@ёџNormala "A@ђџЁ"Default Paragraph Font in which all the candidates will participateby the candidates selected in the first phase, a presentation applicablein of the Assyrian status around the world , today.norganizationsassocaitionTThe cearnestly and following memebers of the committee: : : Ms. Virginia Jacob: (209)668-3555 Mrs. Evelyn Odisho: (209)667-2087 ŸЋsuccessfullyprosperedassociationmembers The when nominees #2, Capital u{|ƒ…Š“žћќ§j(—(Ф(Ц(Ш(Ь(е(п(т(ъ(ы())")-).)3)=)@)B)g)h)k)l)m)Б)В)Г)К)Ц)Я)к)с)т)ц)ъ)ы)ѓ)јјјііііііііієіііііііііііёііііііііііііііієііііыјііі U]`ўџc^cuc UV]`ўџc2дГ)џџџџ!џџ џџ џџ!џџВ |гдN&"=> дєdэ Ф  ѕі^_Іэ345gz+{ь†дР!Р!џР!ЈР!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р!Р! 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