Last modified 1/7/98
These words have been researched to get rid of the confusion between
Gammal-Jammal & Kap-Chap
KHOWSHEEBAA - - - - sunday
TRROWSHEEBAA - - - - monday
'TD'LOWSHEEBAA - - - - tuesday
URRPOWSHEEBAA - - - - wedensday
KHAMSHOWSHEEBAA - - - - thursday
RROOTAA - - - - friday
SHAAVOOAA (or incorrectly, SHEPTAA) - - - - saturday
SHEPTAA - - - - week (two meanings)
SHABAT'E - - - - weeks
YOOMAA - - - - day
YOOMAAN'E - - - - days
SHEETA - - - - year
SHIN'E - - - - years
EEDAA SOORRAA- - - - Christmas
LEL'E D EEDAA - - - - Christmas eve
EEDAA GOORRAA - - - - Easter
YOOMAA D KHISHAA - - - - day of suffering / sorrow (Good Friday)
EEDAA D MART MAARYAAM - - - - the day of our mistriss Mary (I gotta look this up (anyone?))
YOOMAA D AAVGAARR - - - - the day of King Abgar Okoomaa (the black one).
December 20 is the day we commemorate our first Chirstian King, King Aavgaar Okhooma V (son of Mano).
He was an Ashuree king of Edessa (a city/state in modern day northern Syria) around 32 A.D.. He had a mortal sickness (leprosy)
and had told Eeshoo (Jesus) in a letter that he had heard a great deal of him and his miracles.
He said he believes in him , "you must be God or the son of God and I ask you to come and cure
my sickness". Jesus wrote back and said that his time was occupied but he would send his two
apostles (desciples), Didymas Mar Toomaa (Thomas) and Mar Addai (Thaddaeus). After he was cured,
he ordered his entire kingdom to convert to Christianity. We celebrate this day to honor the first
Christian Assyrian king, Melka Aavgaarr. Thus, the Assyrians became one of the first
Chirstians during the life of Eeshoo Msheekhaa (Jesus Christ). (300 years before
Constantinople / Rome). We still, after 2000 years, liturigically honor him in church.
RREESHAA D SHEETAA - - - - beginning of year (new
BET YALDAA - - - - birthday
YOOMAA D QAADEESHAA - - - - holy day (holiday)
MOOLAADAA - - - - birth (beget) (HAASAALTAA = the act of giving birth)
KHA B NEESSAAN - - - - Assyrians/Babylonians new year (first
of April). This day signifies the rebirth of the land and all of its
offerings. Our current year is 6747. We celebrate this day for 12 days and
nights. So sacred is this holiday to Assyrians and Babylonians, that when
Nabonidus, the third king in seven years after Nebuchadnesser, neglected
the holiday, the people were so distraught, they let Cyrus of Persia walk in
Ishar's gate and take Babylon without a pouring a single drop of blood in
October 539 B.C.. Cyrus was know for his clemency and religious tolerence.
The Babylonians were hoping for emancipation and the freedom to celebrate
their Kha B'Neesaan. Cyrus granted their wish, but soon the city
disappeared from the face of the earth.
SHAVAA D 'TD'AABAAKH - - - - - the 7th of August , Martyer's day. Assyrians
around the world acknowledge this day of the tens of thousands of Assyrian martyers and
more that one million (1/3 of our population) Assyrians
who were massacared by the turks, arabs, and the kurdish (along with our blood on
the hands of the British). They have given their lives to
the Assyrian name, their language, and for our
God, Eeshoo Msheekha (Jesus Christ). Each one should be remembered for they
have kept us from extinction. This is also the birthday of our most beloved hero,
General Agha Petros (W.W.I)
BAOOTHAA D NINVAAY'E - - - - the rogation (mass fasting) of the Ninevites.
Kanoon Khaaraayaa 20, 21, 22 (January 20, 21, 22) Assyrians
around the world fast these three days to commemorate,reconcile, and pray for
the deliverance of our nation, on the day Jonah came to Assyria via
a whale and delivers God's word to the Assyrians. Upon this word, the king removes
his royal robes and puts on a sack cloth. He orders all his people and animals to
fast for 40 days. God spared his destruction because of this repentance.
YOOMAA D SHAARAA - - - - day of birth ?? I gotta look this up. Anyone?
As you know from the Christianity page, "BREEKHAA" means
'blessed'. You will use this word in conjunction with a holiday. You can
use this word alone when someone ,for example, buys or rents a house, a
car, or something very nice, As you walk into the house, you say "BREEKHA"
(may it be blessed).
EEDOOKH BREEKHA (M)/EEDAKH BREEKHA(F) - blessed be your Christmas
(or Easter)(equivilant to Merry Christmas or Happy Easter).
birthday (equivilant to Happy Birthday).
blessed be your new year (eq. to Happy New Year)(your also say this on
MINOOKH MOODAAL'E (M) / MINAAKH MOODAAL'E (F) - - - - with you also (the
response you say to someone for the above (obviously except BET YALDA (You don't
say "same to you" when someone wishes you happy birthday))
NOTE: BREEKHA stays masculine, even if you are directing your comment to
NOTE: a female since YAALDAA and EEDAA is masculine.
NOTE: BRIKHTAA remains feminine, even if you are directing
NOTE: your comment to a male since SHEETAA is feminine.
NOTE: A helpful hint. Look at the first word. If it is feminine, then
NOTE: BREEKHA is feminine. And vice-versa.
NOTE: A generic rule would be that if a word ends with "TA", it is feminine.
NOTE: Example; QEDEMTA (morning) is feminine. QEDEMTAAKH BRIKHTAA (blessed be
NOTE: your morning (good morning)).
SAA'AAT - - - - hour / time / watch
CHARRIK - - - - quarter of an hour (15 minutes)
PELGAA - - - - half(1/2)
DAANAA - - - - time(as in the 'time' has come).
DAAQEEQA- - - - minute
RROOPAAPAA - - - - second
Speaking in time:
Q: SAA'AAT CHMA EELAA? = What time is it?
Q: IKLOOKH SAA'AAT? = Do you have a watch?
A: CHARRIK QA OOJAA = quarter to 9.
A: CHARRIK WARA OOJAA = quarter past 9.
A: ISSRREE WARA OOJAA = 20 past 9.
A: ISSRREE QA OOJAA = 20 to 9.
A: PELGA WARRA OOJAA = half past 9.
SOORRGAADAA - - - - calender
OODYOOM - - - - today
YARKHA - - - - month
DOWRAA - - - - century
YOOMAA (BYOOMAA) - - - - day - YOOMAN'E = days
BLEL'E (LEL'E) - - - - night - BLELEWAT'E = nights
SHVADT - - - - February
AADAAR - - - - March
NEESSAAN - - - - April
YAARR - - - - May
KHZEERRAAN - - - - June
TAAMUZ - - - - July
'TD'AABAAKH - - - - August
EELOOL - - - - September
TISHRIN QAAMAYAA - - - - October
KANOON QAAMAAYAA - - - - December
AABAAD / ULMEEN - - - - eternity
ZONA - - - - time
QEDEMTA - - - - morning - - DAAMTAA = breakfast
KAAVOOTRRA - - - - noon / lunch
KHA RRUMSHAA - - - - evening / dinner
RRUMSHAA - - - - evening
DOWRRA - - - - generation
TIMMAL - - - - yesterday
BOMAAKHEENAA / YOOMAAKHEENAA - - - - the day before yesterday
OODYOOM - - - - today
QOODM'E - - - - tommorow
DAAWIRR - - - - past
QA'EM - - - - present
DAATID - - - - future
EEMAAN - - - - when
A'DEEYAA - - - - now
SHAARETAA - - - - starting /beginning
MIRREESHAA - - - - start over / from the beginning
PRAQTAA or SHOOLAAMAA - - - - finishing / ending
KHAKMAA - - - - some / few
KHAKMAA GA'HE - - - - sometimes
B'NEESAAN'E - - - - spring
CHEEREE'YE - - - - fall
SITWAA - - - - winter
QETAA - - - - summer
ZRAAQTAA D SHIMSHAA - - - - sunrise
GNAAYTAA D SHIMSHAA - - - - sunset
LAJLEJTA D SHIMSHAA - - - - sunshine
LAJLEJTA D SAARRAA - - - - moonlight
EH GAAHAY KHEETAA - - - - the next time
QAAMAAYAA (M) / QAAMETAA (F) ###- - - - first
KHAARAAYAA (M) / KHAARETAA (F) ###- - - - last
EH GAAHAY QAAMAAYAA (M) / QAAMETAA (F) ###- - - - the first time
EH GAAHAY KHARRAAYAA (M) / KHAARETAA (F) ### - - - - the last time
### NOTE: the gender of this word depends of the gender of the object you are
speaking of.
EX: DOORRAA KHAARRETAA - - last generation (dorraa is feminine)
QAAM - - - - before
BAARR - - - - after
EEMAAN - - - - during
HICH - - - - never
HEL EEMAN - - - - until when
AKHCHEE - - - - only
QEDEMTOOKH (M) / QEDEMTAAKH (F) BREEKHAA - - - - good morning
LELOOKH (M) / LELAAKH (F) BREEKHAA - - - - good night
HEMAASHAA / DAAYIM - - - - always
KHISHCHAA - - - - dark / darkness
BAARRAA - - - - light / sunlight
DIRRENCH - - - - late
JELD'E - - - - early
YOOKHSAA - - - - otherwise / or else
NAAJAASTAAN - - - - suddenly / all of a sudden / without warning
TAAZAA - - - - fresh / just made / just arrived
HAA AAHAA - - - - an expression. just now (it happened just now)
SHAARRETAA - - - - the beginning
KHAARRAAYOOTAA - - - - the end
BAARRHAADAAKH - - - - later
KHAAGAY - - - - at the same time
KHAAP KHAAGAY- - - - all at once
O SHEETAA WIRR'E - - - - the year that just passed (last year)
O SHEPTAA WIRR'E - - - - the week that just passed (last week)
MAAWAARRTAA D DAANAA - - - - the passing / spending of time
BUYIN MORINOON DAANEE MINAAKH - - - - i want to pass / spend my time with you
CHLEE - - - - stop
KHOOSH - - - - start
BESAA - - - - enough
KHAA REESHAA - - - - all at once / at the same time
The words need to be spelled out in Assyrian. If you are adroit in the language, and spelling these words is as easy to you as me spelling them in english, I would appreciate the help. I don't think I will be doing this because it will take me forever to look up each word to make sure I spelled them right. Of course, all credit shall be acknowledged. Basseemaa rraabaa.