Last modified 1/27/98
Sounds have been recorded for this page.
- ALAAHAA - - - - God (derived from the arabic word even though used by Christians in the Middle-East)
- EESHO - - - - Jesus
- MSHEEKHAA - - - - Christ
- MSHEEKHOOTAA - - - - Christianity
- MARRYAA - - - - Lord
- KRRISTEEAANAA - - - - Christian
- MAAT MAARRYAAM - - - - our mistress Mary
- OOMRRAA - - - - church
- QAASHAA - - - - priest
- MAARAAN - - - - our Lord Jesus Christ
- SLEEWA - - - - cross
- SQEEPAA - - - - crucifix
- MKHETAA D SQEEPAA - - - - crucify (verb)
- QOORBAANAA - - - - communion / eucherest
- QAARWIN - - - - the verb form of taking communion
- DOOKHRAANAA - - - - sacrafice/remembrance
- SHAAMAASHAA - - - deacon
- MAR GEEWERRGIS - - - - Saint George
- SAALEE - - - - pray (verb)
- SLOOTAA - - - - prayer
- MAAKRRIS - - - - preach (verb)
- MAAKRRESTAA - - - - preaching (noun)
- SHMAYAA - - - - heaven
- TISHBOOQTAA - - - - glory
- MAALAAKHAA (M) / MAALAAKHTAA (F) - - - - angel
- HAMIN - - - - believe (verb)
- HAMENTA - - - - belief
- TUKHNUNTAA - - - - intercession / fervent prayer
- QAADEESHAA (M) / QAADISHTAA (F) - - - - holy / holy person / saint
- BREEKHAA / BOORRKHAA - - - - blessed / blessed (past tense)
- BARRIKH - - - - bless(verb)
- DEENAA - - - - religion
- EETAA - - - - a congregation of a church
- INVEEYAA - - - - prophet
- TERRYISAARR TELMEETH'E - - - - 12 desciples
- PILEEPOOS - - - - phillip
- SHIMOON - - - - simon
- ANDREE0OS - - - - andrew
- YAAQOO - - - - james
- MET'E - - - - matthew
- BAARTOOMAA - - - - bartholomew
- TELMEETHA - - - - desciple
- YOOKHENAA - - - - john
- POOTROOS - - - - peter
- YEHOODAA - - - - judas
- TOOMAA - - - - thomas
- ADAY - - - - thadeus
- YEHOODAA ISKHAARRYOODEE - - - - judas (the second one)
- QATOOLEEQ'E - - - - catholic
- MISHILMAANAA (M) / MISHILMENTAA (F) - - - - muslim
- HOODAAYAA (M) / HOODETAA (F) - - - - jewish/hebrew
- HINDOOAAYAA (M) / HINDOOETAA (F) - - - - hindu
- BOODAAYAA (M) / BOODETAA (F) - - - - buddist
- OSHAANAA - - - - Hosana = an exclaimation of praise to God /
also a leaf of
a palm tree (the same leaves that Eeshoo walked on when he went to Jersusalem
from Nasserine a few days before He was crucified at 33 years old.
- PAAPAA- - - - pope
- PAATRREEAARRQAA - - - - patriarch
- MUKHRUMTAA - - - - excommunicate
- ROOSHUMTAA D SLEEWAA - - - - the action of forming a cross
across your chest or face
- DYAANTAA - - - - judgement
- MESER / MESRRAAYAA - - - - egypt / egyptian
- ORROOSHLOOM - - - - jerusalem
- BETILKHIN - - - bethleham
- NAASRRIN - - - - nasarine
- QYEMTAA D MAARRAAN - - - - resurrection
- MELKOOTAA D SHMAYAA - - - - the kingdom of heaven (the kingdom of God)
- SKHETAA - - - - worship
- MAASAAR'E - - - - the yearly donation you give to a church
- MISHKHETAA - - - - the tribute you give when they pass around the
collection plate
- DWEKHTAA - - - - donation ** DOOKH - donate (the verb)
- PAASHUMTAA / PSHEEMAA - - - - repentance / repent (verb)
- MOWDEEYTAA / MOWDOOY'E - - - - confession / confess (verb)
- MAARR - - - - saint
- RRUBAANTAA - - - - nun
- USRRAA POOYDAAN'E - - - - 10 commandments
- YAATEEQ'E - - - - testemant
- OORRETAA / YAATEEQ'E ATIQTAA - - - - Bible (Old Testemant)
- KHDETAA / YAATEEQ'E KHETAA - - - - Bible (New Testemant)
- BERRYAANAA - - - - creator
- QOWLAA - - - - covenent
- BURROOMRRAA - - - - monk
- SAANAAM'E - - - - idol
- QAAYIMTAA - - - - statue
- SAAKHDAAN'E - - - - worshipers
- SHLEEKHAA - - - - apostle
- KHAANPAA - - - - pagan
- PAARROOQAA / PAARQAANAA - - - - savior
- BEESHAA - - - - evil/bad
- DAAVAA / SPAAYOOTAA - - - - good
- ROOKHAA D QOODSHAA - - - - holy spirit / holy spirit
- ROOKHAA - - - - soul / spirit
- GAANAA - - - - spirit
- TISHBOOQTAA - - - - glory
- HEKLAA D ALAAHAA - - - - temple of God
- MAAR DINKHAA IV - - - - the name of our patriarch from 1975 to present
- M'KHOOSH'E - - - - three wise men
- JAHENEM - - - - hell
- SAA'TD'AANAA - - - - satan
- AAKHILQAARRSAA - - - - the devil. Literally, "the accuser"
- YEZEDAAYAA - - - - devil worshipper
- SYEMTAA - - - - ordain
- MEEYAA BOORRKH'E - - - - holy water
- JOORRAABAA - - - - temptation
- ABOONAA - - - - bishop
- LAA M'HOOMNAA (M) / LAA M'HOOMINTAA - - - - athiest / non-believer
- KNOOSHYAA - - - - gathering / convention / meeting
- KNOOSHYAA D HOODAAY'E - - - - synagogue
- MAACHIT - - - - mosque
- KHTEETAA - - - - sin
- ULMEEN - - - - eternity
- KPOORRYAA - - - - blasphemy / denial of God
- KAAPOORRAA (M) / KAAPOORRTAA (F) - - - - infidel / pagan / non-christian
- SAAHDAA - - - - martyer
- SAAHDOOTAA - - - - martyerdom
- QIBLAA - - - - when you give for recieving something special from God
- YOSIP - - - - Joeseph
- MOOSH'E - - - - Moses
- OWRRAAHIM - - - - abraham
- NOOKH - - - - noah
- QEEWOOTAA - - - - ark
- 'TD'OPAANAA - - - - flood
- ADAAM OO KHAAWAA - - - - adam and eve
- GENTAA D EDEEN - - - - garden of eden
- EEDAA SOORRAA- - - - Christmas
- LEL'E D EEDAA - - - - Christmas eve
- EEDAA GOORRAA - - - - Easter
- RROOTAA D KHISHAA - - - - day of suffering / sorrow (Good Friday)
- EEDAA D MAAT MAARYAAM - - - - the day of our mistriss Mary (I gotta look this up (anyone?))
- YOOMAA D AAVGAARR - - - - the day of King Abgar Okoomaa (the black one).
December 20 is the day we commemorate our first Chirstian King, King Aavgaar Okhooma V (son of Mano).
He was an Ashuree king of Edessa (a city/state in modern day northern Syria) around 32 A.D.. He had a mortal sickness (leprosy)
and had told Eeshoo (Jesus) in a letter that he had heard a great deal of him and his miracles.
He said he believes in him , "you must be God or the son of God and I ask you to come and cure
my sickness". Jesus wrote back and said that his time was occupied but he would send his two
apostles (desciples), Didymas Mar Toomaa (Thomas) and Mar Addai (Thaddaeus). After he was cured,
he ordered his entire kingdom to convert to Christianity. We celebrate this day to honor the first
Christian Assyrian king, Melka Aavgaarr. Thus, the Assyrians became one of the first
Chirstians during the life of Eeshoo Msheekhaa (Jesus Christ). (300 years before
Constantinople / Rome). We still, after 2000 years, liturigically honor him in church.
- YOOMAA D QAADEESHAA - - - - holy day
- SOMAA - - - - fasting from dairy products and meat
- SEEMIT (M) ? / SIMTIT (F) ? - - - - are you fasting?
- BAAOOTAA - - - - fasting from all food and water. Usually short. can also mean commitment. people fast baootaa if they desire something holy from God (a child, cure the sickness of a mother, etc.) and to remember the Rogation of the Ninevites
- SEEMIT BAAOOTAA (M) ? / SIMTIT BAOOTAA (F) ? - - - - are you fasting the fast of Baootaa ?
- AANAA SEEMIN - - - - i am fasting
christiananize-baptize // Christianize-baptize (verb)
- AAJIBOOTAA - - - - miracles
Phrases and Common Sayings
- ALAAHAA REKHMAANEL'E - - - - God is merciful
- BE KHDETA - - - - on the word of the bible
- YA ALAAH - - - - Oh God
- ALAAHAA MINAAKH (F) / MINOOKH (M) - - - - God be with you
you also (the response)
- ALAAHAA NAADIRAAKH (F) / NAADIROOKH (M) - - - - God keep you
in well being
- ALAAHAA MAANIKHL'E (M) / MAANIKHLAA (F) - - - - God rest his (M) /
her (F) soul (What you say to someone when someone they love dies.)
- SHIMAA D ALAAHAA - - - - in the name of God
- SHQEER'E D ALAAHAA - - - - thanks to God
- BRREKHM'E (BEE RREKHM'E) - - - - with His (God's) mercy. what you say to someone after they sneeze
- MAARRYAA / AALAAHAA SAAHAADIL'E - - - - honest to God / the lord/God is the witness
- MINTAA MIN ALAH / MINTAA MIN MAARRYAA - - - - with thanks to God/the lord /
with obligation to God/the lord . MINTA=obligation
a blessing from lord/God. When God has given a person , family, home something blessed. (EX. if you have a wonderful wife, you say to her, "AATEN EEWAAT BOORRICHTAA D AALAAHAA (you are a blessing from God)")

The Lord's Prayer in Modern Aramaic
and it's translation coming soon to a web site near you.
Prayer recorded but not typed.

The Lord's Prayer in Ancient Aramaic (LEESHAANAA AATEEQAA)
and it's translation coming soon to a web site near you.

The Ten Commandments
and it's translation coming soon to a web site near you
- Thou shalt have no other gods.
- Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain.
- Thou shalt sanctify the holy-day.
- Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother.
- Thou shalt not kill.
- Thou shalt not commit adultery.
- Thou shalt not steal.
- Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
- Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house.
- Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife,
nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his cattle, nor anything that is his.
These words have been researched to get rid of the confusion between
Gammal-Jammal & Kap-Chap
The words need to be spelled out in Assyrian. If you are adroit in the language,
and spelling these words is as easy to you as me spelling them in english, I would
appreciate the help. I don't think I will be doing this because it will take me forever
to look up each word to make sure I spelled them right. Of course, all credit shall be
acknowledged. Basseemaa rraabaa.